I stayed a total of 4 weeks and Rachel stayed for 7 weeks. Rachel's mom and aunt came a few days after I left and their experience was much different than mine. Needless to say, this place gives everyone a different experience.
If you would like to contact me to discuss topics on Tonga or the blog, please email at jaredbunch2@hotmail.com
We went to great extents to protect our food each night to keep the geckos and others from getting into, the refrigerator was the most effective. This gecko tore through the plastic bag to get at these crackers.
Rachel introduces some American Easter customs to our Tongan Family. Rachel's mom had brought some egg coloring kits and they found this to be really fascinating.
Rachel and her mom and aunt taught many of the women in our village how to bake bread. Few of the Tongans have an oven so they used the oven at the chapel. They did this on two occasions since the women were so interested.
Feasting at the beach for Sinamoni's birthday.
Feasting at the beach for Sinamoni's birthday.